Emma is an organizer and artist, working towards fossil fuel and military divestment & abolition. They are invested in imagining and creating equitable // sustainable // beautiful futures through storytelling, digital communication, and the occasional meme. Emma grew up in so-called Ann Arbor, Michigan, unceded Anishinaabe and Peoria land, and will point to their hand 'map' to show you exactly where they call home. They currently reside on Massachusett and Wampanoag land in so-called Boston.
She considers herself a book worm, obsessed with futurisms and feasts of language (although they still have their mind candy-esque books). They are fascinated by how we create meeting spaces and facilitate conversations with care and safety. She also enjoys making shrinky-dink earrings when the urges arises.
They are currently a senior at Boston University, majoring in Theatre Arts and Political Science with a minor in Environmental Policy and Analysis. She has worked as a stage manager, dramaturg, scenic carpenter, digital organizer, phonebanker, nature camp counselor, early childhood educator, bartender, amateur electrician, and a photography assistant.
They are a child and a friend.